Ballwin, MO - Halvorsen Klote

Ballwin, MO

Semi Truck Accident Lawyer in Ballwin, MO

Call for a Case Review and Consultation if You've Been Injured

Semi Truck Crash Lawyers

Semi Truck Accident Lawyers in Ballwin, MO. Our firm serves injured victims and their families in the Metro St. Louis area and Southern Illinois. A semi truck accident can alter your entire life. It is crucial to reach out to a qualified law firm near you right away if you've been in a truck-related accident. Halvorsen Klote's Ballwin, MO, truck accident lawyers are ready and willing to help you fight an insurer or settle a claim. Contact us today for a case review and consultation. You call, we answer.

A truck accident is typically a major thing. 10,000 pounds of metal and cargo, a semi truck can cause massive damage. Our firm's semi truck accident attorneys are dedicated to helping victims in and around the Ballwin, MO, area.

Semi Truck Accident Cases Near Ballwin, MO

There are thousands of truck-related fatalities every year, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration reports that the vast majority of truck accidents result in fatalities. Our firm understands how difficult it can be if you've been in a semi truck accident. You're going to have to think about personal and financial damages, insurance, and what to do next. Our Ballwin, MO, truck accident lawyers are dedicated to helping victims and getting fair reimbursement. Here are a few of the more common types of commercial truck accidents:

  • Semi-Truck Rollovers
  • Jackknifes
  • Tire Blowouts
  • Vehicle Error
  • Right ("Wide") Turns
  • Blind Spots
  • Distracted Driving
  • Rear-End Accidents
  • Under Ride
  • Lost Cargo
  • Head-On Collisions
  • T-Bone Accidents
  • Brake Failure
  • Speeding

Other common causes of truck accidents include driver fatigue, traffic violations, poor training, overcorrection, and others.

No matter what type of accident you're in, it's important to contact Ballwin, MO, truck accident attorneys as soon as possible if there are financial damages. Legal representation doesn't cost you anything. At Halvorsen Klote, we charge on a contingency fee basis. This means that if we don't win your case you don't owe us anything and there aren't any upfront fees.

Common Causes of Truck Accidents in Ballwin, MO

If you were a victim in a Ballwin, MO, collision, one of the most important things you can do is find legal representation. The most common causes of Ballwin, MO, semi truck accidents includes:

  • Distracted Driving and Texting
  • DUI / DWI
  • Failure to Yield
  • Speeding
  • Hit and Runs
  • Reckless Driving
  • Construction Zones
  • Bad Weather

Compensation for car and truck accidents varies on a number of factors. For example, drowsy driving is associated with upwards of 72,000 crashes and nearly 1,000 deaths each year.

Liability in a Truck Accident in Ballwin, MO

Several parties may be at fault in a truck accident. This might involve the driver, the person that owns the truck, a manufacturer, or even the broker that hired the truck in the first place. Our Ballwin, MO, truck accident attorneys will investigate at-fault parties that are liable to ensure you get maximum compensation.

Semi Truck Crash Laws

4,102 people died in large truck accidents in 2017. 68 percent of these victims were passenger vehicle occupants, while only 17 percent of victims were drivers. In non-fatal truck accidents, the leading causes of injury in semi truck crashes includes driver-fatigue, failure to maintain, and distracted driving.

Semi truck drivers are required to follow federal and state truck regulations, and if violated, the consequences can be severe. Negligent CDL drivers could face the suspension or loss of their license, fees, jail time, and depending on the circumstances, the loss of their job. Some of the more common factors that are taken into account when deciding a truck driver's consequences include: whether they were the only driver involved, the severity of the other driver's injuries, whether there were unavoidable elements that caused the crash, and more. If you are injured in a semi-truck crash that was caused by a truck driver's negligence, you could be entitled to compensation for your harm and losses. Settlement amounts can vary greatly and range from the lower thousands to $5,000,000.00 depending on the type of insurance coverage the truck driver has - general liability is mandatory, but cargo insurance, non-trucking liability, physical damage, and terminal coverage are some of the other types of truck insurance policies - and the severity of the crash. Drivers are responsible for being alert and following the law, whether that is state, federal, or via their company.

Compensation for Ballwin, MO, Truck Accidents

Semi Truck Accident Attorneys in Ballwin, MO

If you were hit by a semi-truck, there are a number of factors to consider when it comes to compensation. Halvorsen Klote will look into any special and general damages you have suffered. It's important for victims to keep track of all of their expenses after an accident. Below are the damages you may be able to collect if you have been in a semi-truck and require a semi truck accident lawyer now.

  • Lost Wages: You are able to colelct lost wages if you're injured in an accident.
  • Medical Bills: Any rehab, prescription drugs, surgeries, etc., you can have those expenses reimbursed. This is why it's important to keep medical records.
  • Pain and Suffering: Any ongoing pain or suffering such as anxiety, fear, PTSD, or depression is also considered.
  • Additional Out-of-Pocket Expenses: This can include childcare, transportation to and from a hospital, a rental car, and other expenses that are a result of your injury.

Other reimbursement may include punitive damages, loss of consortium, mental anguish, and loss of future earning potential. It's our job to make sure you get the compensation you deserve in the event of a motor vehicle accident. Our truck accident lawyers are set to take care of your claim or, if need be, take your claim to trial. A high percentage of accidents are attributed to drunk driving, bad weather, and distracted driving. Our Ballwin, MO, truck accident lawyers at Halvorsen Klote are here to help if you or a family member have been in an accident.

There may be several different parties liable for a trucking accident. The driver, the trucking company, an insurance company, and the owners of the truck. These cases are complicated because of how many people are involved. Feel free to contact one of our commercial trucking attorneys today to learn more about Halvorsen Klote's services. We practice general personal injury law; take a look at our testimonials here and the other types of cases we cover below:

Do You Need a Truck Accident Lawyer?

Halvorsen Klote offers case consultations and reviews. We will help you negotiate insurers and win the reimbursement you deserve if you've been in an accident. Contact HK Law now if you need a semi truck accident lawyer in Ballwin, MO. Halvorsen Klote provides free legal services to victims and their families in the event of an accident. Call us today for more information.

Joel Halvorsen

Joel Halvorsen

Attorney at Law

Joel Halvorsen and his partner Greg Klote founded the Halvorsen Klote law firm on the principle that injured people and their families should have access to the same quality legal representation as large insurance companies.

Greg Klote

Greg Klote

Attorney at Law

Greg Klote is a partner and founder of Halvorsen Klote.

Greg has successfully fought for people who were injured through no fault of their own. He became a lawyer to help make a difference in the lives of those who have been wronged and treated unfairly.

Samantha Orlowski

Samantha Orlowski

Attorney at Law

Samantha Orlowski is a practicing attorney Halvorsen Klote.

Samantha joined Halvorsen Klote in 2018 as a law clerk and has since become a practicing attorney. Sam's number one priority is to provide individualized experiences for each client to achieve the best results.

No matter the cause of injury or death, it's critical to contact our local semi truck accident lawyers in Ballwin, MO, right away if you need legal help. Legal representation doesn't cost you anything. At Halvorsen Klote, we charge on a contingency fee basis. This means that if we don't win your case you don't owe us anything and there aren't any upfront fees. Our attorneys are here to win.