Affton, MO - Halvorsen Klote

Affton, MO

Truck Crash Lawyers in Affton, MO

Call 866-382-4167 for a Free Case Evaluation.

Truck Crash Lawyers Affton, MO. Truck accidents cause devastating injuries. After receiving an injury in a truck accident, you're probably facing exorbitant medical expenses and possibly months, years or even a lifetime of additional treatment. If you were hurt because of another person's negligence, there's no reason you should have to go through your recovery alone. The veteran and committed Affton, MO truck crash lawyers at Halvorsen Klote are here to fight on your behalf and win you the compensation you are entitled to. If you or a loved one has been impacted by a truck driver or trucking company's recklessness, speak to our Affton, MO truck crash lawyers today at 866-382-4167 or contact us online for a no-risk, no-obligation case review.

Truck Crash Lawyers

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Do I Need Affton, MO Truck Crash Lawyers?

If you have been hurt in a truck crash, then you unquestionably need to hire a lawyer. Truck drivers and trucking companies have highly-paid defense teams that will do everything in their power to lessen how much money you get. The devastating repercussions of truck accidents go well beyond a common fender bender that you might be able to manage on your own. Your Affton, MO truck crash lawyers at HK Law understand how to prove exactly how much you are owed and why. In addition to standing up to insurance companies, experienced and knowledgeable truck crash lawyers will:

  • Obtain and assess evidence, including:
    • The truck's black box
    • Video footage from the truck's cab
    • Close-by surveillance video
    • Eyewitness depositions
    • Police reports
    • The scene of the accident
    • Employer records
    • Maintenance records
  • Manage the entire legal process
  • Go through your medical records
  • Work with medical and motor vehicle accident experts to determine liability and suitably calculate the value of your case
  • Keep you consistently updated on the status of your case
  • Take your case to trial if the insurance and trucking company will not be reasonable in negotiations

Our Affton, MO truck crash lawyers know how to get you the full compensation you deserve. We charge no attorney's fees unless we win your case.

Affton, MO Truck Crash Lawyers: The Statistics

Any Affton, MO motor vehicle accident can lead to disastrous injuries or, in the worst cases, wrongful death. People who were injured as the result of truck crashes are at especially high risk because of the force that truck accidents carry at even low speeds. Even though trucks make up only 4 percent of registered vehicles, trucks are associated with 9 percent of fatal accidents. In fatal truck accidents, 72 percent of people killed in truck accidents were occupants of passenger vehicles, not the truck. Most trucks are 20-30 times bigger than standard cars and have 20-40 percent increased stopping time.

Affton, MO truck drivers and their trucking companies have a massive obligation to ensure everyone on the road is safe. When they disregard those rules and you are subsequently injured through no fault of your own, you need to contact the Affton, MO truck crash lawyers of Halvorsen Klote to stand up the the trucking company and insurance company.

What Damages Are Available For My Affton, MO Truck Accident?

The damages available in truck accident cases fall into 3 categories: economic damages, non-economic damages and, depending on the specifics of your case, punitive damages.

Economic damages offer you a recovery for the economic losses you've suffered because of your accident. That can include:

  • Property damage
  • Medical expenses, such as
    • Emergency room costs
    • Follow-up appointments
    • Tests and procedures
    • Crutches or other assistive devices
    • Chiropractic visits or physical rehabilitation
    • Any expected future costs, such as continued physical therapy
  • Wage loss damages
  • Lost earning potential if your injuries prevent you from earning a living like you used to
  • Other expenses such as transportation to and from medical appointments

Non-economic damages offer you a recovery for the consequences of your injuries you can't put a dollar figure on, like the physical and emotional pain of your injuries. Non-economic damages include:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Anxiety
  • Loss of ability to enjoy life
  • Scarring
  • Inconvenience
  • Disability
  • Loss of consortium

Punitive damages are rarely awarded and are are only given out when the part responsible for your injuries was incredibly reckless, for example, in a drunk or reckless driving accident.

How much your personal injury claim is worth will be based on the seriousness of your injuries, how they have affected your life and how hard your truck crashes lawyers are willing to fight for you. Call Halvorsen Klote today at 866-382-4167 to start your road to true recovery with full compensation.

Who Can My Affton, MO Truck Crash Lawyers Hold Accountable for My Injuries?

The circumstances of each crash are different, and the liable parties will differ depending how your specific crash happened. The knowledgeable and capable Affton, MO truck crash lawyers at Halvorsen Klote will conduct a full investigation into your crash to find every party we can hold accountable. Below are some of the common causes of truck accidents and the people and organizations our truck crash lawyers may be able to hold accountable for your injuries.

The Driver

According to the Federal Motor Safety Administration, 87 percent of truck accidents are the result of negligent driving. Examples of driver negligence:

  • Distracted driving, including driving while
    • Texting, or otherwise using their phone
    • Eating or drinking
    • Using tobacco
    • Adjusting climate controls or the radio
    • Not focusing on the road of them
    • Daydreaming
    • Driving while drowsy
  • Drunk driving, or being under the influence of drugs
  • Reckless driving
  • Unsafe lane changes
  • Driving well over the speed limit

If you were harmed because a truck driver did not do their job properly and didn't care about your safety, call Halvorsen Klote's semi-truck accident lawyers today to start on your path to winning justice for your injuries.

The Truck Company

Truck companies owe the same duty of care to people on Affton, MO roads that truck drivers do. Semi-trucks are in constant use and as such the company needs to stay up to date on repairs. While trucks are pulled over for inspection, they are too numerous for the Department of Transportation to be able to guarantee every semi-truck's safety. That's why regular maintenance and repairs is paramount for truck companies.

In addition, truck companies have a responsibility to their drivers are not overworked. Some studies suggest that drowsy driving impairs a driver more than drunk driving. There are stringent rules concerning the number of miles a truck driver can drive in one day and how often they are supposed to take breaks. The hours of service regulations are:

  • An 11-hour driving limit after 10 consecutive hours not driving;
  • A 14-hour driving limit followed by 10 consecutive hours not driving, even if they were not on duty all 14 of those hours;
  • A half-hour driving break if a truck driver has driven more than eight straight hours without a 30-minute break;
  • A 60/70-hour limit in 7/8 consecutive days, and a driver may only restart the 7/8 consecutive day period after being off duty for at least 34 hours.

Unfortunately, some Affton, MO truck companies care more about their profits than they do about doing what's right. If you were injured in a truck crash because a driver was fatigued, it may be because they forced to complete a delivery even when they were not reasonably able to.

Finally, truck companies have a duty to only contract professional drivers. Truck drivers are required to have a Commercial Driver License before they can be hired. If a truck company hires somebody who does not have the correct license, has a history of drunk driving or has another criminal conviction that precludes them from driving a truck, they are liable for their negligent hiring practices.

The Truck Manufacturer and Mechanics

Anyone involved in the design, manufacture, distribution and sale of trucks has an obligation to issue recalls on any part they find to be hazardous. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration dictates that any component that carries "unreasonable risk of death or injury in an accident" must be recalled.

Similarly, if a mechanic observes a defective part and does not fix it or does not fix it correctly, Halvorsen Klote's truck crash lawyers can also file a claim against them.

The Shipping Company

Cargo needs to be correctly loaded so that the weight distribution is balanced. Uneven weight distribution can lead to roll over accidents. If the shipping company failed to guarantee the safety of their shipping practices, you can also file a claim against them.

A Governmental Entity

Dangers in the road including broken pavement, loose guard rails or malfunctioning traffic lights can cause truck accidents. Governments have a responsibility to design and maintain roadways safely and when they fail in that duty you may be able to hold them liable with the help of veteran and skilled Affton, MO truck crash lawyers. Third party contractors hired to repair the hazards insufficiently may also be included in your claim.

The personal injury lawyers at HK Law have experience arguing and winning a wide array of personal injury cases. Check out the links below to see what other cases we take on.

Truck Crash Lawyers Affton, MO | Auto Accident Law Firm | Trucking Accident Injury Attorneys Near Affton

Contact Your Affton, MO Truck Crash Lawyers Today | HK Law

If you have been injured in a truck accident through no fault of your own, the dedicated and savvy truck crash lawyers of Halvorsen Klote will take up your case. You should not have to worry about exorbitant medical bills and lost wages because of somebody else's negligence. Let us fight by your side to win you the recovery you deserve. Call us today at 866-382-4167 or contact us online to find out more about how the Affton, MO truck crash lawyers of Halvorsen Klote can help you.

Joel Halvorsen

Joel Halvorsen

Attorney at Law

Joel Halvorsen and his partner Greg Klote founded the Halvorsen Klote law firm on the principle that injured people and their families should have access to the same quality legal representation as large insurance companies.

Greg Klote

Greg Klote

Attorney at Law

Greg Klote is a partner and founder of Halvorsen Klote.

Greg has successfully fought for people who were injured through no fault of their own. He became a lawyer to help make a difference in the lives of those who have been wronged and treated unfairly.