Personal Injury Attorney Wildwood, MO | Halvorsen Klote

Wildwood, MO

Wildwood, MO Personal Injury Attorneys

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Injury Law Firm Wildwood, MO

Personal injury attorney in Wildwood, MO. Attorneys Joel Halvorsen, Greg Klote, and Samanth Orlowski at Halvorsen Klote know that accidents both severe and minor may result in staggering medical expenses, an inability to return to the job you once depended on, or permanent disfigurement and pain. Regardless of the scale of the loss you’ve endured, you are equally deserving of rights and just compensation under the law. HK Law is here to help St. Louis area residents with legal representation. Contact our Wildwood, MO, Personal Injury Attorneys in Wildwood, MO, now..

If you or a loved one have been seriously injured because of negligence or recklessness, HK Law's team is prepared to act on your behalf. Please contact a personal injury attorney in Wildwood, MO for assistance and a for a free, no-risk case evaluation. If we decide to take your case, it will be on a contingency fee basis which means you don’t have to pay fees up-front.

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Common Personal Injury Claims in Wildwood, MO

Whether your accident happened on the streets of Wildwood or in your very own home, injuries that are not your fault can happen anywhere at any time. This is why the Halvorsen Klote firm manages so many different kinds of cases, because we want to help injury victims and their families.

Halvorsen Klote is available and willing to take on a number of case types, including:

  • Car and Truck Accidents: Vehicular accidents account for about 1.9 million injuries each year (and around 30,000 fatalities). Most of these accidents involve large trucks, speeding, distracted driving, DUIs, and intersections.
  • Premises Liability: These cases typically involve slips and falls, swimming pool accidents, fires, toxic fumes, dog bites, and other hazards that may cause injuries on someone's premises.
  • Workplace Accidents: Accidents on the job can range from repetitive trauma to losing a limb. It's important to contact an experienced accident lawyer if you've been injured on the job.
  • Product Liability: Products that malfunction or don't hold up to safety standards can cause serious harm. There may be manufacturing defects, failure to include warnings, or even design errors that lead to injuries. May include bad brakes on a car, household appliances, and other everyday items. Halvorsen Kote's Wildwood, MO, accident lawyers are on your side.
  • Medical Malpractice: Another common cause behind injuries, medical malpractice is often related to surgical error, misdiagnosis, prescribing the wrong medication, and several other medical issues.

Personal injury cases vary based on the situation, and any financial damages are to follow. The personal injury attorneys in Wildwood, MO, support victims in the case of an injury.

What is Liability?

Fault depends on how the accident happened, where it happened, and how bad the damage is. If you're involved in a truck accident, for instance, it is key to figure out who is to blame. That's where our personal injury attorneys in Wildwood, MO, come into play. Was it caused by poor road conditions, the trucking company, negligent driving? That is why our firm is here.

You can recover damages by either filing a personal injury claim with the at-fault party’s insurance company or by filing a personal injury lawsuit against them in the Wildwood courts; however, it may be hard to determine if you have a leg to stand on in either case.

In order to succeed, you must meet two essential elements: damages and fault. For example, an individual, company, or employee(s) of a business must perform a wrongful act or fail at their duty to prevent dangerous situations in order to be guilty of negligence and thus held responsible for your injuries. Furthermore, the accident must fall within time restrictions set forth by MO statute of limitations.

What Damages Can Be Recovered For a Personal Injury Claim in Wildwood, MO?

It's Halvorsen Klote's responsibility to make sure our clients receive fair compensation for their injuries. Our Wildwood, MO, accidents attorneys will look at financial damages, punitive measures, and other factors that may have caused financial and physical harm. The two main types of compensation an injury attorney in Wildwood, MO, provide includes:

  • Special Damages: Special or "economic" damages often include lost wages, medical expenses, lost benefits, any loss of inheritance, and even the value of goods a victim would have provided if they weren't injured. You can also add medical and funeral expenses that survivors had to pay for. Any economic impact can be considered special damages, which is another reason why it is important to keep track of financial repercussions. Our attorneys help victims organize all of this information.
  • General Damages: More difficult to define, general damages are as important for victims to consider. Our Wildwood, MO, accident lawyers consider loss of consortium, any emotional trauma due to the accident, pain and suffering, and other long-lasting concerns post-injury. It is helpful to document everything you can regarding your health and well-being to justify general damages.

In many cases, claims for personal injury are settled out of court before ever reaching the trial stage; however, we will never hesitate to go to trial if large insurance companies refuse to pay what’s fair.

Below are other services we provide:

Wildwood, MO, Personal Injury Attorneys

In many cases, claims for personal injury are settled out of court before ever reaching the trial stage; however, we will never hesitate to go to trial if large insurance companies refuse to pay what’s fair.

These big insurance companies have a vested interest in limiting their liability and will therefore pressure you into accepting a settlement offer that might not be in your best interests long-term. Without effective legal representation, you may lose out on gaining sufficient compensation to cover your losses.

Furthermore, the personal injury claim process is made up of paperwork, unexpected obstacles, unfair denials, and complicated details. In our extensive experience, we know this process well and want to make it as easy as possible for you.

If you need further help determining if you have a personal injury case, an experienced Wildwood personal injury lawyer at The Hayden Law Firm can discover if you have enough evidence to appropriately seek damages and prove fault. Contact us now.

Our lawyers would be more than happy to speak with you. We've settled numerous cases and you can view our testimonials here.

Joel Halvorsen

Joel Halvorsen

Attorney at Law

Joel Halvorsen and his partner Greg Klote founded the Halvorsen Klote law firm on the principle that injured people and their families should have access to the same quality legal representation as large insurance companies.

Greg Klote

Greg Klote

Attorney at Law

Greg Klote is a partner and founder of Halvorsen Klote.

Greg has successfully fought for people who were injured through no fault of their own. He became a lawyer to help make a difference in the lives of those who have been wronged and treated unfairly.

Samantha Orlowski

Samantha Orlowski

Attorney at Law

Samantha Orlowski is a practicing attorney Halvorsen Klote.

Samantha joined Halvorsen Klote in 2018 as a law clerk and has since become a practicing attorney. Sam's number one priority is to provide individualized experiences for each client to achieve the best results.