Madison, IL - Halvorsen Klote

Madison, IL

Car Accidents Law Firm Madison, IL

Call 877-51-HKLAW for a Consultation and Case Review.

Car accident law firm St. Louis and Illinois

Car Accidents Law Firm Madison, IL. Our team of lawyers at Halvorsen Klote are an experienced and knowledgeable car accidents law firm in Madison, IL. When the at-fault parties do not want to equitably compensate you for your damages, we will provide you with expert legal representation and help you get the compensation you are owed. If you or a family member has been impacted by a car accident through no fault of your own, call the car accidents law firm of Halvorsen Klote at 877-51-HKLAW or fill out our online form.

The NHTSA reports that there are approximately five to six million car accidents in the United States each year, which lead to 4.8 million serious injuries. there were 38,600 deaths in auto crashes in the U.S. in 2020, the highest number of fatalities since 2007, in spite of the fact that Americans were driving less during the pandemic. While we don't think about it, your life can be upended in the blink of an eye when other Madison, IL drivers do not obey the rules of the road. Whether your accident led to injuries that resulted in permanent disability, or the careless driver's insurance company is not being fair, Halvorsen Klote's car accidents law firm will help get you the compensation that you deserve to aid you while you recuperate. As an experienced and hardworking car accidents law firm in Madison, IL, we have a reputation for our client-centered approach, and our car accidents lawyers and staff will remain in constant communication with you throughout your case.

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Common Types and Causes of Car Accidents in Madison, IL

Car accidents are complicated|Every car accident has its own unique set of circumstances. The attorneys of our Madison, IL car accidents law firm have experience with helping our clients collect compensation in a wide array of different motor vehicle wrecks. Some of the most common sorts of car accidents in Madison, IL are:

  • Head-on Collisions — These can be the among the most disastrous and calamitous accidents, and are usually the result of drunk or reckless driving.
  • Rear-end Collisions — These accidents account for about over a quarter of accidents and usually take place in condensed traffic. They can regularly cause whiplash.
  • T-Bone Collisions — These take place when the front of a vehicle strikes the side of another. Passengers are often the injury victims in these crashes.
  • Pedestrian Collisions — Pedestrians are at high-risk when drivers are negligent because they have little to no way to protect themselves from the amount of the mass and speed of vehicles.
  • Low-speed Collisions — While damage to a vehicle is often minor in these wrecks, significant injuries can still be incurred. Low-speed collisions are common in Madison, IL parking lots, or near schools and other low-speed zones.
  • Sideswipe Collisions — Also called merging collisions, these happen when someone does not heed their blind spot when merging, or when a driver is distracted and veers out of their lane. As these frequently occur at high-speeds on the highway, they can cause significant damage and injury.
  • Single Car Accidents — These occur when a driver loses control of their vehicle, and Madison, IL weather conditions often have an effect.
  • Multi-Vehicle Collisions — These are especially dangerous as a car can be struck multiple times, and they are often hard to avoid.

Whatever type of car accident you suffered injuries, property damage, or other damages from, it is often because another motorist broke the rules. Examples of negligence in car accidents include:

  • Distracted Driving, such as:
    • Texting while driving
    • Eating while driving
    • Looking at directions
    • Adjusting the radio
    • Adjusting climate settings
    • Being lost in thought
  • Driving while drunk or on drugs
  • Fatigued driving
  • Speeding
  • Reckless driving

The best method of avoiding being the negligent party in an accident is to obey the rules of the road in Madison, IL and pay attention to the road ahead whenever you're behind the wheel. If another driver caused you injuries, you need the Madison, IL car accidents law firm of HK Law to fight by your side and get the recovery you're owed. Our car accident lawyers will make sure you are compensated for your personal property damage, medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Steps to Take After a Car Accident in Madison, IL

Even minor accidents are unsettling and cause sudden confusion. There are a number of steps you should take when involved in an accident and before reaching out to a car accident law firm:

  1. Make sure everyone is safe — If the accident is minor, it's a good idea to pull over to the side of the road. If it is more significant, turn off the ignition and turn the hazard lights on. Then make sure to seek medical attention for anybody who has been hurt. If it appears to be a more serious injury, leave the victim still as they may have received an injury to their spine. Call 911 right away for emergency medical attention if anyone has been injured.
  2. Call the police — Even for minor accidents, a police officer will write a report that will be very useful when making your claim. If the accident was caused by criminal behavior, such as a DWI or reckless driving, the police need to be on the scene quickly to take action.
  3. Collect evidence and other important information — You ought to get the at-fault driver's information. It is also important to take photographs of the vehicles and the surrounding area for skid marks or property damage.
  4. File an insurance claim — Many insurance companies have stringent rules about how how much time can pass after an accident before you file a claim. Not filing on time could make your case more complex.
  5. Contact HK Law — We are one of the best car accidents injury law firms in the Madison, IL area. When you hire us, we will:
    • Obtain police and accident reports
    • Collect evidence from the scene
    • Access your medical records
    • Take depositions from witnesses and experts
    • Work with car accident experts to hold the negligent driver accountable
    When you've been injured in a car accident because of somebody else's actions, the car accidents law firm of HK Law will ensure that you are justly compensated for any damages or injuries you sustained.

The personal injury lawyers at HK Law have experience winning a wide variety of personal injury cases. Click on the links below to see what other cases we take on.

Car Accidents Law Firm in Madison, IL | HK Law

When you are hurt in a car accident because of someone else's negligent behavior, you require a skilled and accomplished car accidents law firm like HK Law by your side to make sure you are awarded the compensation you are entitled to. Too many times insurance companies attempt to give you less money than you are entitled to. Our tenacity, attention to detail and savvy will ensure that you get a fair settlement. If a fair settlement cannot be reached, we will argue your case in front of a judge and jury. We charge no upfront fees and you will never pay us anything unless we win your case. Call us today at 877-51-HKLAW or contact us online to find out more about how the Madison, IL car accidents law firm of Halvorsen Klote can help you.

Joel Halvorsen

Joel Halvorsen

Attorney at Law

Joel Halvorsen and his partner Greg Klote founded the Halvorsen Klote law firm on the principle that injured people and their families should have access to the same quality legal representation as large insurance companies.

Greg Klote

Greg Klote

Attorney at Law

Greg Klote is a partner and founder of Halvorsen Klote.

Greg has successfully fought for people who were injured through no fault of their own. He became a lawyer to help make a difference in the lives of those who have been wronged and treated unfairly.